My breeding history

I was starting (in year 1995) with one pair of Mandarin ducks
and one pair of North american wood ducks.

I had in this time one pond with 3m diameter and 12x12m run.

And here is a few illustrations photos and informations about other kinds which I have.
They are listed as time went on and how to gradually accumulate.

Mandarin ducks
( Aix galericulata, czech: Kachnička mandarinská, german: Mandarinente)


In free nature: Asia

white mutation

One pair of white mutation of mandarin ducks I have now also in my area.
(since 2002)


black mutation
One pair of black mutation of mandarin ducks I have also in my area.
(since 2009)

North American wood duck
(Aix sponsa, czech: Kachnička karolinská, german: Brautente)


In free nature: North America

cinnamon mutation
 One pair of white mutation of North american wood ducks I have now also in my area.
(since 2009)

       white mutation
 One pair of white mutation of North american wood ducks I have now also in my area.
(since 2011)


Short time after mandarin and wood duck I was buying Chestnut teals and Cacling canada gooses
but this gooses are not now in my breeding..

Chestnut Teal
( Anas castanea, czech: Kachna kaštanová, german: Kastanienente)

In free nature: Australia


Next year I bought new 4 kinds - Ringed teals, Cinnamon teals, Maned wood ducks
and Hawaiian gooses. Also added new pond (4x6m) and was exteding run.

Ringed teals

(Callonetta (Anas) leucophrys, czech: Čírka červenoramenná, german: Rotschulterenten)

In free nature: South America

yellow muttation
I have one pair of yellow mutation of ringed teals.
(sice 1998)

blue mutation
Now I have also one pair  of blue mutation.
(since 2009)

Cinnamon teal

(Anas cyanoptera, czech: Čírka skořicivá, german: Zimtente)

In free nature: South and North America

Maned wood duck

(Chenonetta jubata, czech: Kachnička hřivnatá, german: Mähnengans)

In free nature: Australia

Hawaiian gooses (Nene)

(Branta sandvicensis, czech: Berneška havajská, german: Hawaiigans)


In free nature: Hawaiian islands

1997 - 2002

Blue-winged teals

(Anas discors, czech: Čírka modrokřídlá, german: Blauflügelente)

In free nature: South, Middle and North America

Baikal teals

(Anas formosa, czech: Čírka bajkalská, german: Baikalente)


Free in nature: Asie

Silver teal

(Anas versicolor versicolor, czech: Čírka pestrá, german: Versicolorente)


Free in nature: South America

Hottentot teal

(Anas hottentota(puncata), czech: Čírka diamantová, german: Hottentottenente)


Free in nature: Africa

American Wigeon or Baldpate

(Anas americana, czech: Hvízdák americký, german: Amerikanische Pfeifente)

Free in nature: North America

Green-winged teal

(Anas crecca carolinensis, czech: Čírka obecná americká, german: Krickente)

Free in nature: North America


Black-bellied Whistling duck

(Dendrocygna autumnalis,czech: Husička podzimní, german: Rotschnabelpfeifgans)

Free in nature: Central and South America

Puna teal

(Anas versicolor puna,czech: Čírka pestrá puna, german: Punaente)

Free in nature: South America


Hooded merganser

( Mergus cucullatus, czech: morčák chocholatý, german: Kappensäger)

Free in nature: North America

White-faced Whistling Duck

( Dendrocygna viduata, czech: husička vdovka, german: Witwenpfeifgans)

Free in nature: Africa, South America



(Bucephala albeola, czech: hohol bělavý, german: Büffelkopfente)

Free in nature: North America


New Zealand Scaup
(Aythya novaeseelandiae)

Lesser Scaup
(Aythya affinis)

Ring-necked Duck
Aythya collaris

Red breasted goose
(Branta ruficollis)


(Aythya valisineria)

Hardhead nebo White-eyed Duck
(Aythya australis)

Chilöe Wigeon

(Anas sibilatrix)

Barrow's Goldeneye
(Bucephala islandica)

In this time (January 2011) I have 26 species and 6 mutations of waterfowl


Mandarin duck - cinnamon mutation
Aix galericulata

Black swan
Cygnus atratus

Plumed whistling duck
Dendrocygna eytoni

Ruddy duck
Oxyura jamaicensis

In this time (15/11/2011) I have 29 species and 7 mutations of waterfowl